Congratulations @x_issy.x you’ve won this amazing prize! Thanks for sharing xx💙❤️💚
Keepthebeat Update
What a busy week we’ve had so far with KTB!
We’ve been able to do the grotto this year- first time since Covid hit!
We are so grateful to all of those who have helped us to be able to achieve such a costly room!
Firstly we’d like to thank Excel Driver Training Limited who have since April 2022 donated £1400 to this project. They are such a big support for Keepthebeat, we are so grateful to Richard, Aiden, Natalie and all of their past and present students for donating on every driving lesson that they complete. 💚
Secondly , we’d like to thank Sam lee who is very close to our hearts(hopefully future son in law🤣)
Sam’s workplace Paragon Banking Group PLC allowed him a charity day off of work to help with the grotto! They also donated to a justgiving page that Sam had set up and raised an amazing £260 within a few days- all very kind and generous! 💙❤️Thanks also to nurse Emily for chaperoning us in the grotto.
Thirdly to all of the wonderful santas who took part in our virtual weekend and raised funds. 🎅🏼🎅🏼💙❤️
Finally to all of those who have donated their Christmas card money( please share this post to show everyone what you’ve helped towards) or just wanted to donate to such an important time into making a difference to a child’s stay in hospital over Christmas! We’ve heard the grotto has made a lot of children and parents smile and this is because of your support- we couldn’t ever do this without you all!
Gill Tansey
Christine Gregory
Adam Newbrooks
Sue wilson
Tim Haywood
Annita Tansey
Chris Watson
We still have plenty to do with the Christmas Day hampers and lots to spend! If anyone would like to donate we would be very grateful. Thank you all. 💙❤️
More photos to follow xx
Keepthebeat Update
Congratulations @xmollywebby- you are the winner of our day 17 advent prize. Thanks for sharing ❤️💙💚
Keepthebeat Update
A massive thank you to everyone taking part in the Santa Ride, Run Ramble Today. Take your phone and snap some pictures on your festive route, don’t forget to #KTBSantaRide to be featured in our story
Keepthebeat Update
The winner of the advent prize day 16- the amazing prime is @scott.ennis.73, well done and thanks for your support! ❤️💙💚
Aiden Keane Update
If anyone could spare a minute to vote for Excel Driver Training Limited in the best regional driving school that would be amazing 🤩 also Richard has been nominated as a community champion for his help with Keepthebeat so please vote for him also
Keepthebeat Update
Day 14 advent winner is @beatamalan87 well done and thanks for sharing, tagging and liking @excel_driver_training and @keepthebeatuk 💙❤️💚
Keepthebeat Update
Thanks @xxelliemae1905xx you’ve won our day 13 advent prize- thanks for entering. Over halfway there now but still some great prizes to go! Keep sharing , tagging and liking @excel_driver_training and @keepthebeatuk
Keepthebeat Update
Congratulations @meena.en you’ve won day 12’s Advent chocolates! Thanks for sharing, liking and tagging both @keepthebeatuk and @excel_driver_training 💙❤️💚
Excel Driver Training Limited Update
It with great pleasure that I’d like to announce that Excel Driver Training Ltd have been shortlisted for the Intelligent Instructor Regional Driving School of the Year award. This is a tremendous achievement for Excel and shows that as a Driving School we are heading in the right direction.
A massive Thank You to Keepthebeat for nominating myself as a Community Champion which I’ve also been shortlisted for an Award 💙❤️
You can still vote for Excel and myself via the link
Richard 😊